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Convert JPEG Picture to Vector


A worry less and seamless JPEG to Vector Conversion service!

Give us the task to convert your JPEG picture to vector and get set for a first-rate user experience. Almost all image files that are used across websites and exchanged through e-mails happen to be JPEG files. In fact, most of the vector conversion requests we receive are in JPEG format – right from business logos, photographs, clip arts to sketches - you name it and we receive requests for vector conversion for the same from a JPEG file containing the source information. Our graphic artists are very well aware of the shortcomings of JPEG file format and their longstanding experience has bestowed in them a good grasp over the various tips and tricks suitable to counter and overcome each shortcoming in a seamless manner.

JPEG File After Conversion

What makes JPEG tricky for any vector conversion service?

JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Expert Group and is pronounced as Jay Peg. It is a compressed image file format that is delightfully small in size and, therefore, ideal for quick transfers through modems across the World Wide Web. However, the wonderfully small size of the image files comes with a heavy price tag. All JPEG files use lossy compression, which means the files endure loss to quality in an irrecoverable manner. Though the files contain high-resolution image data, some of the details are lost in the process of lossy compression.

Features that make us score over competition

  • Our talented graphic artists can fill in the lost details in the JPEG file to successfully convert a JPEG picture to vector format.
  • The vectors we deliver are clean & crisp, as per custom client requirement and ready for printing, being embroidered, ready for vinyl cutting etc.
  • We are approachable round the clock, 24 by 7, from anywhere around the world
  • We accept your JPEG files through all mediums, including over email and cloud computing.

We offer services that are quick and comprehensive that saves you time, money and valuable energy.